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“I’ve been using Tracey’s Health Coaching services for the past year as a complement to the lifestyle advice I provide to patients in my practice. I have received nothing but positive feedback from patients about Tracey’s services. I have patients who have spent years on the diet rollercoaster finally make meaningful breakthroughs in their health as a result of the support that Tracey provides. I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending Tracey." Dr Jackie Montefiore.

If you are find it hard to make lifestyle change stick, you're not alone.

So many of us understand how 'eating real food' is going to give us the best chance at optimal health. Yes we constantly 'fall off the wagon', give in to the lure of our favourite snacks, emotionally eat foods we know are not good for us, eat too much or the foods we don't want to eat when we're stressed, don't move, drink excessively, or the myriad of things that might look to you like they're getting in your way. 

This 5 week online program is going to turn all of that on it's head for you, and re direct you to look in the right place to get you back on YOUR path to health.

This program is for you if:

  • you have a fairly good understanding of the low carb lifestyle, yet you can't make it work for you
  • you have done other low carb or keto programs yet real change hasn't stuck
  • you're confused by all the conflicting information out there and don't know which path to take
  • you want to get off the dieting path for ever yet still reach your health goals

What is involved in this 5 week program?

  • 5 weekly live 60 min group Zoom sessions with Tracey (all times in Melbourne time) that will be recorded and available on here, along with extra resources after each session.
    • Session 1: Monday 23rd November, 7.30pm
    • Session 2: Monday 30th November, 7.30pm
    • Session 3: Monday 7th December, 7:30pm
    • Session 4: Monday 14th December, 7:30pm
    • Session 5: Monday 21st December, 7:30pm
  • At the completion of this program, you will have the opportunity to join my support group for ongoing community and support at a massive 50% discount!

Could there be a better Christmas gift to give yourself?

Why not get through Christmas without all the anxiety surrounding what to eat?

You definitely are worth it.

What will be covered in each session?

Session 1: Bridging the gap between knowledge & behaviour change

  • More knowledge is rarely what we need for change. If you're like most of my clients, you already know the why behind the low carb lifestyle! It can be baffling to understand why we can't get where we want to be. Why does it seem effortless to some, and impossible for you? This session will answer all this for you. 

Session 2: Understanding how habits are formed in the brain, and how we can not be so tricked by them

  • Brain science around the formation of habits is important to understand. Because then we don't have to be so tricked by our habits! This session will go through what is a habit, how it is formed in the brain, and what we need to do when we want to change one. This session will also include how to end emotional & stress eating & understanding moods.

Session 3: Effortless weight loss

  • I've seen there are a couple of important steps people miss when they are seeking to be lighter in this world. We generally head straight for the diet plan, or pay lots of money to someone to tell us what, how and when to eat. But then it all comes apart after a while, or we find we still can't lose weight, or we lose weight, and it doesn't bring us what we think it will bring. This session will share with you the 2 important steps to look at first that will make becoming lighter a lot easier.

Session 4: Motivation 

  • Understanding the true source of motivation is so important. We generally see motivation as coming from some one else, or we only feel like we have it when we're sitting in a certain feeling. This session will uncover this myth, and show you that there is actually something way more powerful than motivation you can tap in to, and it is there for you 24/7.

Session 5: Making this all work for you

  • The final session will put all this together for YOU. I will show you how I've seen to do that. A way to will always show you where to look to find the answers for you. There will also be some special offers for you at the end of this program. 

Note: Because there will be an assumed knowledge of the low carb way of eating, I won't be covering the science behind this in this program. However, I will have a number of resources for you to look at if you need in the Introduction section of this program. Or if you really want to cover all this from scratch, I suggest my 30 Day to LCHF Your Way online program will be more what you're looking for.

Have questions? Contact Tracey via email on

Price: $189AUD (or 2 monthly payments of $99AUD)

Listen to Tracey explain things a little more.

7 Topics



If you would like to touch up your knowledge on the science behind the low carb lifestyle, then watch these videos before we start the program. This won't be covered in the coaching sessions. 

Tracey xx

SESSION THREE - Effortless weight loss

The recorded session and extra resources will be available on here after the session is completed.

SESSION FIVE - Making all this work for you

The recorded session and extra resources will be available on here after the session is completed.

Topics for this program 7

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 $ 189.00 AUD
 $ 99.00 AUD  ( then $99.00 AUD for 1 months )

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No payment method needed.

Disclaimer: All information on this platform is for general purposes only and is not meant to substitute for advice provided by your doctor or other qualified health provider. I agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

Note: if you have chosen to pay over multiple payments, neither Stripe nor PayPal will send you a notification prior to taking out your next payment. Please make sure you make a note for yourself when your next payment will be taken out. Thanks

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