Over 2 videos, Tracey will show you how it is possible to not be controlled by your cravings anymore. She will help you get back in control when it comes to your habit. It is possible to find freedom from cravings.
She is talking from a very personal recovery journey in this series. Tracey used to think she had no control when it came to her eating habits. When it came to her drinking habits. When it came to looking to food to 'make me feel better' when her day didn't turn out like I wanted it too.
But when someone showed her that she did have options, it literally changed her life.
And that is what she wants to show you in this series.
You don't have to be anything other than curious! In fact curiosity is a the only thing you did for change.
Starting to be curious about your habit. Curious about it being optional. Curious about what would happen if you didn't follow it....
The first video will show you how to disrupt those patterns that have been mostly likely being laid down for many years now. You absolutely can change them when you look in the right place to do that.
The second video will show you some things that have helped Tracey, and now hundreds of her clients, to manage the change a little easier. Tracey goes through some tips on feeding your mind and body, she talks a little bit around boundaries and that inner child, and she goes through some breathing exercises designed to calm your nervous system. Which, is one of the most important pieces that people miss.
Here's a short little video explaining what this program covers.
I hope you enjoy the view from what you see.
Love Tracey xx
There are NO REFUNDS for this program. If you have taken the payment plan option, mark the date of your payment as you will not receive warning of it coming out.
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The below information defines our relationship as coach and client.
Description: Coaching is a partnership (defined as an alliance, not a legal business partnership) between the Coach and the Client in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires the client to maximize personal and professional potential.
1. Coach agrees to maintain the ethics and standards of behaviour set by the International Coach Federation “(ICF)”. www.coachfederation.org/ethics
2. Client is responsible for creating and implementing his/her own physical, mental and emotional well-being, decisions, choices, actions and results. As such, the Client agrees that the Coach is not and will not be liable for any actions or inaction, or for any direct or indirect result of any services provided by the Coach. Client understands coaching is not therapy and does not substitute for therapy if needed, and does not prevent, cure, or treat any mental disorder or medical disease.
3. Client understands that coaching is not to be used as a substitute for professional advice by legal, mental, medical or other qualified professionals and will seek independent professional guidance for such matters. If Client is currently under the care of a mental health professional, Coach will recommend that Client inform the mental health care provider.
4. Client agrees to communicate honestly, be open to feedback and assistance and create the time and energy to participate fully in the program.
Services: The parties agree to engage in a Coaching Program through either in person, phone coaching, emails, texts. Coach will be available to Client by e-mail and voicemail and text messaging in between scheduled meetings as defined by the Coach.
Client accepts and understands that:
· any content or information shared by the Coach is not medical, nutritional, dietetic, diagnostic and/or professional advice;
· it is up to him or her to assess for him or herself whether the content or information is useful or not;
· if he or she is in any doubt regarding any content or information shared by the Coach, he or she should seek professional advice.
Confidentiality: This coaching relationship, as well as all information (documented or verbal) that the Client shares with the Coach as part of this relationship, is bound to confidentiality by the ICF Code of Ethics but is not considered a legally confidential relationship (like in Medicine or Law). The Coach agrees not to disclose any information pertaining to the Client without the Client’s written consent. The Coach will not disclose the Client’s name as a reference without the Client’s consent.
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